Naadam, Business and Covid-19

4 min readJul 1, 2021


Today is a noteworthy day for all Mongolians. Since Covid-19 happened, the Government of Mongolia has been putting its’ effort into the fight against the deadly virus as the rest of the world. But, it is more likely that the Government would decide irrationally, in favor of their interest rather than the people, SMEs, businesses — those who mobilize the Mongolian economy.


1st of July 2021, the youth started gathering at the Sukhbaatar square steadfastly to protest to postpone National Naadam Festival due to obvious reasons related to the covid-19.

But also, to cease the horse races as the jockeys are under-aged children. These races are serious. Heavy injuries or fatal accidents happen, and just recently it is getting the attention it needs. Child jockey is found to be the worst form of child labor in Mongolia.

The movement today, addressed that not only to postpone the national festival Naadam, but to ban having under-aged children racing.

Children in Mongolia engage in the worst forms of child labor, including in forced begging and commercial sexual exploitation. Children also perform dangerous tasks in mining and horse jockeying.

In the past five years, 1,500 child jockeys have been injured and more than a dozen children have died in horse races across the country.

PS: The government passed a resolution partially addressing the use of children as horse jockeys by banning horse racing and training during the months of November to May.

No Longer Have Patience!

Another parallel but strong protest point was getting back to “normal life”, after all, it is what the people were promised and what the Government said but failed to do so.

Obviously, we acknowledge that the post-pandemic economic recovery going to be way more challenging for businesses and life around it. But, the real threat is the Government’s indecisiveness, lack of strategy, and planning for force-Majeure events as such.

The government’s initial response to the Covid-19 crisis was hampered by the absence of a long-term strategy, lack of clarity about who was responsible for what, and its poor use of evidence.

Since the hit of the Covid-19 in early 2020, we, as a people taking it in with a leap of hope for the Government to take the right actions in a crisis. The public was patient and obedient — first measurements flew in - economic support, Covid-19 testing, and the lockdown.

But when making decisions on lockdown, the government relied too much on an illusion that “playing catch up with Covid patients or Per person household testing” would provide the answers and limitation to the spread.

The government did not think about some of the most important aspects of how it would implement its’ economy, businesses, and overall lives of the people with average income. That resulted to, leaving mass of employment to layoffs, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in closures. Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the most dynamic sectors in Mongolia. This sector comprises 77% of total registered business entities.

Today, many business owners carried signs or shouted “Reimburse the rent!”, “Open the gyms!”, “Support the SMEs, not the welfare receivers!” as they walk in front of the Government Palace in peace.

The government has closed many of its restaurants, along with other stores and markets, for varying periods for much of the past year. They had been allowed to reopen at various times, only to be told to shut again when the virus surged.

But now the businesses want to reopen for good, and at least two hundred people from the capital Ulaanbaatar protested today to voice their concerns on double-standard that the Government if holding for businesses VS Naadam festival. If businesses were to close, why celebrate the Naadam festival? If businesses were to run, why restrict until further notice?

Munkhmaral Tumennasan

To be continued…

